Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Chester the cheetos eating . . . goldfish.

Today was only the second day I have ever taught Photoshop and I really love it. I have been teaching mid-high end 3d classes so long I forgot how much fun it was to just play around in photoshop. Tonight I had the class create a hybrid animal / frankenpet inspired by a Worth1000.com challenge. Here is "Chester", whom I created as a class demo from two random flickr pics. My apologies to the original photographers.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Steampunk challenge extended one week.

It has been extended a week!! Though I am nowhere near completion. At least this gives me hope.

Here is a mockup with the 3d I have made composited in. The photos aren't mine and are really just serving as reference for a background I wish to model.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

steampunk progress

It doesn't look like I am going to get this steampunk challenge done in time for the deadline of Jan 12th.

Here is the progress I have so far but really it is just a start. It is my hope I will at least finish it for my demo reel. (Sigh) . . . A new term is starting up and really I just wish I could hit the pause button on my life. Personal issues are making it hard to concentrate on school or anything else for that matter.